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May 8, 2023

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Essential Listening


Today i’m doing something a little bit different and i’m going to keep it short and sweet because I’m sending you elsewhere.


It’s occurred to me that there are approximately 300 episodes of The Positive Pants Podcast.




That’s a LOT to listen to and I feel like sometimes it’s hard to know where to start.


Particularly if you’re new here and wanting to bag yourself some quick wins in understanding yourself and understanding how you tick as a human and how to create lasting change and find that sweet sweet self compassion that so many of us are chasing.


There are a few episodes that I believe are essential reading and they will all be linked up in the show notes.


When you fundamentally understand the themes in these episodes a whole world opens up in my opinion.


So the episodes I’ve picked to get you the quickest wins are as follows.


Number one, i’ve recommended a fair few times but I really believe it’s fundamental to anyone’s healing journey and that is my interview with Stefan Chmelik, inventor of the Sensate device. 


This is a great episode where we dig into how the nervous system works.  Why some people really struggle to meditate and how to start to heal your nervous system to become a calmer, less anxious more resilient version of yourself.


The second episode i’ve picked is How Are You Wiring Your Brain. It’s so fundamental to figure out what’s driving your thoughts and behaviour because so much of it is easily changed with a shift in what we’re wiring in on a daily basis. 


The third is What Is The Enneagram And How Can It Help. I’m always talking about how self awareness is the number one thing that you need when it comes to changing anything in your life. I dig into how The Enneagram profiling tool is a HUGE short cut to that. It really is a gamechanger.


The fourth is Why You Are Not Your Thoughts.  Most people go through life just blindly believing every thought that pops into their heads.  It’s perfectly natural and how were wired on autopilot BUT when you can grasp how wrong this is, again, it can super charge your healing process. 


And I think those 4 are more than enough to get you on your way to knowing with absolute certainty that you’re capable of change, you’re capable of anything! 


And as always, thank you so much for being here! 

