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Jun 5, 2023

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How To Not Freak Out That We’re Half Way Through The Year


How can you stop freaking out that we’re half way through the year?


Good question my friend.


And one I've been hearing a LOT lately.


The amount of people who have said ‘OMG I can’t believe it’s June already’ this week is immense.


I get it. 


But also…breathe.


It’s all too easy to look at these arbitrary made up time frames and ‘should’ on yourself.


Grab your journal and spend some time reflecting on the last 6 months, I bet you’ve achieved way more than you think you have.


Don’t just look at a list of things you told yourself you needed to do by this point in the year. Really allow yourself to take a look back at where you were in December or January. 


How did you feel?  


If you haven’t achieved that list yet, why not?  What’s happened?


There’s zero judgement here so I invite you to offer that compassion to yourself and ask these questions in a way that is genuinely curious rather than accusatory.


There’s a BIG difference.


What happened in your life, or your loved ones, or the world that meant things that were a priority in January stopped being so.


What has been on your plate?


When you set those goals, where were they set from?


A place of them genuinely being YOUR goals and achievable in the time frame?  Or was someone else in your head at that point or were you operating from a place of not feeling good enough?


It’s SO easy when it comes to goal setting to do these things. I like to think of goals as just that, things I'd LIKE to do…but allow for flexibility!


Things change. Circumstances change.


Spend some time planning the NEXT 6 months, IF you want to, challenge yourself sure, but also ask yourself, what would you be happy with achieving in the next 6 months?  That’s probably less than you’ve set yourself.


I always love the quote ‘shoot for the moon, if you miss you’ll land among the stars’.  


Time is a funny thing.  It can feel like it’s moving extremely fast, or extremely slow. The same 6 months might feel like a whirlwind to one person and a slow wade through treacle to another.


Ask yourself what you’re proud of in the last 6 months. But don’t just focus on the tangible, financial, obvious goals. 


What have you got through that was really tough?


Where did you push yourself out of your comfort zone?


Where did something happen where you allowed yourself to learn a valuable lesson?


What are you making where you’re at right now mean?


There are always going to be times of the year where it’s natural for you to feel like you’re behind where you’re meant to be, but please try to remember it’s basically a societal construct, or your own!


It doesn’t really mean anything unless you make it!


I look over the last 6 months and geeeeeeeeeeez, I’m a totally different person. 


I actually didn’t set myself any tangible goals other than to take a day at a time this year because of the upheaval and change that was coming…because I set it in motion in fairness. And taking things a day at a time is something I'm getting better at all the time.


There’s new people in my life teaching me that too. 


I’ve always had a tendency, as an enneagram 6, to try and prepare for every outcome. To plan, plan, plan.


And sometimes, you simply can’t.


As a qualified Mindfulness practitioner I have learned to be intentional about presence and I’m great at creating ‘moments’ of bringing myself back to the present as and when I want or need to.


But, LIVING in the present is a very different beast.


It requires conscious thought and effort.


I’m letting this year simply be a year of lessons and growth.  I don’t need anything more tangible right now, and in fairness some people wait a lifetime for that in and of itself.  We’re just trained to not value it as highly as material goals.


This year there’s been a huge amount of upheaval in pretty much every area of my life, which you know if you’ve been with me a while.  


Which has been discombobulating to say the least. And required a HUGE identity shift. But it’s been very necessary and 100% the right thing.


But I’m certainly not feeling behind, even though on paper some people might squint their eyes and look at it that way.


In many, many ways I’m ahead.


We have such a tendency to look at certain elements, often professionally, and decide we’re behind.  Or that we’re running out of time. 


But we tend to ignore all the ways we’ve grown.


All the ways we’ve created big shifts.


So don’t try and ‘catch up’ with yourself, or other people. It really is pointless.


If you could just take a deep breath and look at where you’re at right here, right now without all the other ‘stuff’ you put on it. 


What would you see?


What would you do?


Where might you take action?


What might you say yes to instead of no?


Get specific about where you’re feeling behind.  Is it REALLY true?


What could make you feel or KNOW that you’re moving forwards?


What are you grateful for?


So if you’re one of the many people feeling like you’re behind where you ‘should’ be in June of 2023…I invite you to take a minute and try to see a different perspective. 


The bottom line is, the quickest way to change how you’re feeling is to change how you’re thinking.

