Apr 11, 2022
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How To Find Clarity In Your Business Or Life
Do you feel like you have real clarity over what you want for your life and your business?
This is something that has been coming up a LOT this past week. With my 1:1 clients, with my Positive Pants toolkit members AND in The Mentorship.
So, of course, it inspired me to create this episode for you.
SO many people get caught up thinking they don’t have clarity on their ideal client, their niche, the products or services they want to sell, so they just don’t do anything. Or they flip flop on their messaging but don’t put out the offers to actually work with people because they don’t know who it is they want to work with, or how. It’s tough. I get it. I’ve been there.
I believe we’ve got it backwards.
Of course knowing your niche, your services, your ideal client is all necessary and makes your life so much easier and allows them to self identify that you’re the solution to their problem.
But here’s the thing. You need confidence in what you’re selling. You need to back yourself and your services or you’ll find running your business incredibly difficult.
We can look at people and be envious of the amount of sales they make or the amount of clients they work with, not the amount of followers they have.
But if you were to scroll back through their content or posts, you’re likely to find something familiar. You’re likely to find some less clear and confident messaging.
We all have to start somewhere.
Don’t compare yourself at the beginning of your journey to someone way further along, who allowed themselves to flap and flounder their way into clarity and confidence.
The other SUPER important piece of clarity I DO think is important to know as soon as possible, the irony is this piece of the puzzle I see people DO leave until way after they’ve started but you really do need it at the beginning, is what you want your life to look like.
How does your business fit into that?
How many hours per week do you want or are able to work?
How many days per week is that?
How much time off do you want or need in the year?
How do you want to deliver your services?
What feels heavy and burdensome to you vs light and easeful?
So how do we actually find clarity?
When it comes to niche, products, services, ideal client etc, we start with what we DO know and we do the thing. This is the number one way to get clarity. Try, experiment, allow yourself to make mistakes and get it wrong.
This is why beta programmes work really well where you charge less for essentially the test run. Or to just get your first few clients through the door.
You’ll know pretty quickly the kind of people you do and don’t want to work with. But you have to do the thing!
I found my first clients thinking I wanted to work with people in corporate jobs that weren’t happy. I put the feelers out by talking about what I was doing, asking friends for referrals and got my first 8 clients this way.
Some of those clients I adored and some were more difficult to work with. Through that I realised I wanted to work with people who had a big dream or a big goal. They were FAR more invested in their own results.
All too often I see people think they have to have everything figured out before they take any action. But the reality is, taking the action IS what actually gives you the clarity.
You can spend hours, days, weeks or months trying to ‘think’ your way to clarity.
You can put up with the frustration, the feeling of stuckness, the feeling like you aren’t moving anywhere fast. Or, you can just allow yourself the grace to try and see what happens.
We place far too much concern over what other people will think if we don’t ‘look’ a certain way but the more you let go of that and allow yourself to experiment and just see what happens, the further you’ll go…and much quicker!
Another way we find clarity is to create space.
Journal, Meditate, talk it through with people who get it. Allow ourselves to let go of the ‘rush’ sometimes and take a step back to reflect. Of course a fast track to this space is coaching and mentoring so if you’re in a position to get anything like that do it as soon as you can, even if it’s just an accountability buddy.
Having someone help you reflect, seeing the things you don’t see, challenging your thought processes is something that will absolutely help you find clarity and get moving more quickly.
Next, to find clarity you really have to ask yourself the questions like what do you most want for yourself and for your life? What does it/will it actually look like?
Start with what you DO know. Even if that’s simply knowing what you don’t want. Knowing what you don’t want will naturally lead to more clarity on what you do.
Know your values. Knowing your values is so key to gaining clarity over all the things we’ve been talking about today.
Next up for the clarity train and a BIG one in my opinion…Cut out the noise and simplify. Choose less than a handful of mentors.
The more voices you have giving you different options and different ways of doing things the more confusion you’ll have and LESS clarity.
I see people looking for the answers external to themselves ALL the time when so much of what they need is literally right under their noses.
Tuning INwards. Listening to yourSELF and then getting help to solidify that from someone who has done or is qualified to know how to do what you want to do.
Ask yourself, ‘What’s the story I'm telling myself about not having clarity right now and what it means?’
People spend so long feeling ‘behind’ when they are trying to figure things out. But you’re only ever really behind if you don’t take action or you quit altogether.
You can collect all the data. You can learn all the things. But until you start actually DOING you won’t find the clarity you’re looking for.
And finally tying nicely into that last point, decide. Decide to take action on A direction and see where it takes you. Be ok with a few detours along the way, that’s part of the journey.
I’m always saying in the Mentorship and to my toolkit members, there is a point in the future where this is easy. There’s a time you’ll forget it was ever hard for you. But that only comes from taking action. Being ok with making mistakes. Failing forward and not making it an existential crisis.
You’ve so got this!